Thursday, November 28, 2013

A small stitchy picture from a workshop I took last weekend. Most needleworkers, embroiderers or stitchers might thing this was a mock up test piece, but no, this is my finished piece. It does have to be bound on the edges and perhaps if friends give me advice I might try and improve it. I used a  retired pillow case from before WWII (ragged and frail), right up to a modern pillow case that was shortened to fit a buck wheat pillow. Some pieces from another workshop with Marianne Hargreaves, oh many years ago, and some trials of mine of printing on silks. It might make the cover of a sample book. We'll see.


Di said...

Go you stitchin' queen, it looks great.

Hillary said...

I look around for yours! only find your glowing pic.
I haven't used it in anything other than a frottage attempt. thanks for the comment.